Wednesday 17 June 2015

Bloody Snow... Game of Thrones finale

OH MY GOD! Why GoT? Why? Why must you kill Jon Snow? The only male Stark left in this world. I know sometimes his character was one dimensional but who can resist his charm and hipster look. In addition to him being betrayed by his Night watch brothers, his 'trusted' help was the one who finished him off, that little shit! 

I'm not looking forward to season 6 next year as there's no more story line that I want to know the end. Oh, except for Sansa's story though. My favourite scene in the finale show was when Reek killed that bitch (don't know her name) and ran away with Sansa. Even though Reek/Theon was kinda cruel when he took over Winterfell but I think he's paid his due. He deserves good things now. But as GoT loves killing its main character, I think Theon will die next. I also wish Sansa will have good things happening for her in next season. Enough is enough. I just can't take it anymore, bad things always happens to good people. Not gonna waste another year of my life waiting for this story to end.

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